micROCKScopica - a rock's art project by Bernardo Cesare - links

- Nikon Small World the leading forum for photomicroscopy
- Olympus Bioscapes excellence in life science photomicroscopy
- Royal Microscopical Society
- MicroscopyU the source for microscopy education
- Bevshots photomicrographs of frozen drinks (simply great!)
- Micronaut the fine art of electron microscopy (SEM, but great!)
- Visuals Unlimited leading provider of Science imagery
- Symbiartic the Art of science and the Science of art
- Giclée Prepress the Art of Giclée

Geology and Mineralogy
Geosciences Department, University of Padova

SIMP - Italian Society of Geology and Mineralogy     - SGI – Italian Geological Society
MSA – Mineralogical Society of America                   - GSA– Geological Society of America